Criminoles | 07/27/08

I took this screenshot from ESPN's college football page. You might think with football season right around the corner we might be getting updates on...well, football. Living in Washington, I can see crime reports all day long. Yet there on that page all but two of the stories are about crime. Drunk driving, Joe Paterno (elder abuse?), rape, rape, rape, manslaughter, drunk driving, embezzlement, battery. Impressive, I know. It's sad when the Rich Rodriguez sneaking out of a $4m payback deal with WVU is the feel-good story of the college football weekend.

I love college football--I really do. And I went to a school that let the rapists, batterers, and DUI'rs play. What I don't care for is that attitude that it's a few schools--it's MOST Division IA schools and putting our respective prides aside, that's pretty pathetic. I realize that the football prowess of FSU let me go to school there for free but it's still pretty deplorable that these guys are celebrated. I'm not saying you shouldn't play if you've done anything wrong but really anything short of 1st degree murder is punishable by sitting out the first-half. Go Noles.




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