MarioKart For Real | 09/02/08

Ok, seriously, we're playing MarioKart tonight at 8pm. SERIOUSLY.

I got sick last night around 10pm for no reason. Just a regular cold but it came out of nowhere and by the time I woke around 2:30pm this afternoon it had almost totally gone away. Weird. I ordered ESPN GamePlan yesterday so now I can watch up to six college football games at once. This is grossly unnecessary but really, few things in life are really all that necessary. The Cubs can't clinch a playoff spot fast enough--my big TV awaits!

I also picked up Ab last night and she and Chompy covered my bed in dirt after running around in the clay before coming in. Speaking of clay, I read that some people crave eating clay while pregnant. Weirdy. Since I'm phoning in today's entry, here's a video that's worth the watch (with FSU alum Richard Simmons no less).


T-Chris (Unknown)

That was one of the funniest clips I have ever seen!

SC (Unknown)

That is a really good one.

Mike (Unknown)

Brian & Co. had all seen it so I was the last one to be introduced to it. I miss that show.



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