But I'm MORE Right | 09/06/05

What happened to me!!! I distinctly recall being smart as recently as a few months ago. Jamie's taking the LSAT. I was in the 99th percentile in the now-defunct Analytical section of the GRE. You might think I would be able to aid her in the studying of the Logic portion of the LSAT. But no. I don't know what happened. I do the Sudoku puzzles every day and can crank out a 4-star one in about five minutes. I write code that depends on conditions being true or not. No nuclear warheads have launched because I've made mistakes. Yet when I sat down with the LSAT practice book practically dripping with arrogance it didn't happen. Not at all. I know you're thinking: *I* rule at those logic puzzles. Not these you don't. These aren't the same ones you do in cars on vacation. These don't have one answer for everywhere spot on your grid (grids are for losers, by the way). What are killer are the ones that are not only opened ended but have the word "not" in them. Find the one that ISN'T the right answer. Goddamit. And what sucks even worse is that unlike the questions on the GRE that allowed you to not have to check all the possible answers once you found the right one, on the LSAT you have to find the ones that are MORE right. I've learned a lot about lawyers though. And reaffirmed that I have no desire to be one.




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