13 of 13 | 06/13/07
Here's Jamie's 12/12 to celebrate her birthday!
8:30am: With impending shoulder surgery, Jamie gets all the hair ripped out from her underarm. Ouch.
1:15pm: Company picnic. These, friends, are your Floridian tax dollars hard at work.
2:30pm It wouldn't be a day at a rape shelter without subpoenas calling Jamie into court. I blurred out all of the good information but the guy is totally guilty.
6:30pm: Hollywood Video called to give Jamie two free birthday videos. I'm not allowed to rent there because they lost the payment of one of my Lost DVDs. I made a scene in the store. Happy Birthday :/
7:30pm: Quick stop at Publix to get some birthday wine. It's only a bottle more than Jamie drinks on a non-birthday day.
A new dress came in the mail. It matches the neon green walls well I would say.
8:30pm: Time for my haircut. I know how to treat people for their birthday right? That's about half of the hair that came off.
Who's that sexy guy coming out of a haircut? It's me! And look how excited I am to be rid of my mullet.
9:00pm: Oh Abby, it's time for your fur cut. Don't look so excited.
Here's the cake I got from Tasty Pastry. It was delicious!
11:00pm: Wake up Abs! It's time to party!
Give me all your cakes and ice creams. Put them all in my mouth.
Bonus: Here's us at the Cubs/Braves game from last weekend. Look at that mullet!
KBS (Unknown)
Beth (Unknown)
BU (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)