PHP Poker Script | 06/25/07
Ok, here's the much-anticipated poker script that I've been working very hard on. It needs some testing but surely you're up to the task of playing some heads-up poker against my website right? Here are the known bugs; please leave me comments if you find some more:
· You don't ever really *win*
· It doesn't always detect an A-5 Straight but will instead credit you with top pair instead
· It doesn't always split the pot correctly when both players have a flush
Essentially, you can "play" against any of the people that regularly plays poker. Since it's heads-up only and your only moves are fold and all-in (for now) each computer player has the traits of the actual people based by my jaded interpretation of how the player plays. There are three factors that weigh into each computer player: tightness, luck and tilt. The higher the tightness, the less likely the other person is to call with fair (or bad) cards. Luck looks at the cards in the computer's hand and gives an extra 1-3% push towards lucky players hitting straights and flushes and takes that same % away from unlucky players. Tilt looks as the current streak of the computer player and if they've won/lost more than three consecutive hands they start calling just about everything. So, without further ado, here are your possible poker combatants.
Tightness: 5/10, Luck: 4/10, Tilt: Likely
Tightness: 4/10, Luck: 6/10, Tilt: Not likely
Tightness: 4/10, Luck: 5/10, Tilt: Definitely
Tightness: 9/10, Luck: 1/10 (only because it can't be 0), Tilt: Rare
Tightness: 2/10, Luck: Random!, Tilt: Likely
Tightness: 7/10, Luck: 7/10, Tilt: Sometimes
Tightness: Random!, Luck: Random!, Tilt: Sometimes
Good luck!
chabuka (10/14/11)
Tree (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
BU (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
Tree (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
ver_shine (Unknown)
plz send me to
Christine (Unknown)
send me your script? I can donate you!
my email is
Mauro (Unknown)
Regards, Mauro
Joe (Unknown)
Can i have the source of your poker script?
I will donate.
gu (Unknown)
Can i have the source of your poker script?
chris thomas (Unknown)
trucchi slot (Unknown)