Visiting the vL's | 07/06/07
On Friday Jamie and I took the back, and I mean BACK road of Georgia to visit the Pharaoh of Cairo (if they don't rhyme, as I learned, you're not pronouncing it correctly) and his birthday-having son. Because we took the most ridiculous route to Cairo we were the last arrive to the pool party. Chris came out to meet us and we forked over our gift-wine. Once inside we met up with Elena (who has suddenly turned very photogenic), Tim, and Trey. After indulging in some catered food and quite possibly the most delicious cake known to man we settled in for some poker (of course). Chris attended to his family but the rest of crammed into the dining room for some action. The game essentially came down to Tim vs. Elena and because it was time to leave Elena whomped Tim in a one-hand showdown. Poor Tim. Anyway, it was really great to see them again; hard to believe it's been a year.
Jamie (Unknown)