Simpsonize Me | 08/23/07
I saw this over at Mark's blog over a week ago and had meant to do it sooner. His new design looks good too. Anyway, at Simpsonize Me you can plug in a picture and it will generate your character for you. Once it's done you can tweak it to get it closer. My picture was post-haircut so my hair was pretty short and the forehead wasn't nearly big enough. Fortunately under the "balding" option they had the one I wound up using. Whew.
On Saturday I have a benefit concert with Danno for RH. I think between doing that and being their webmaster I have officially done more work for them than Jamie did. And we probably got paid about the same. Oooooh.
Jamie (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
BU (Unknown)
SC (Unknown)
Tree (Unknown)
kash (Unknown)