UF Gone Wild | 09/18/07
Some UF student got tasered after talking asking some seemingly normal questions of also-ran John Kerry. I can't believe I voted for him, what a moron. I think I'll be voting for Giuliani come next year. I think he's the best candidate from either party and although I haven't voted for a Republican in as long as I can remember I think being the mayor of New York is as close as a non-president can come to having any experience as a president. I also like Giuliani because he pauses before he speaks, as though he's actually considering the question before him. Hillary (and John Kerry before her) were the absolute worst for firing off stock answers and I really hate that. Obama does the pause and if it weren't for Guiliani I would probably vote for him. with the election well over a year away I still have plenty of time to change my mind but I think America is in dire need of a balding presidents--people who grow old and keep their hair are just too cocky because of it. Rudy!
Jamie (Unknown)
Elena (Unknown)
Jamie (Unknown)
Tree (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
Obama has a great pedigree--and he's just as articulate as Clinton was. He definitely hasn't accomplished as much in politics as the others simply because he hasn't been there for that long...but that's probably not a bad thing since we've got absolutely nothing from the career politicians in both parties.
Elena (Unknown)
Elena (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
I promise to listen extra hard though next time when they let him get his two sentences in.
Mike (Unknown)
What do you think of his odds in the Republican primary? One of the key reasons I remembered him was from the first Republican debate where he was the only that quickly made known that he was for stem cell research WITH human embryos. He got points with me there.