Purging | 11/13/07
Ok, the 12 of 12 pictures are gone so you'll have to use your imagination. Here's the recap of the 12th. I woke up at 6:50, ate a package of ho-ho's [picture 1], let the dogs out, took a brief shower, went to Starbucks [picture 2], went to work [picture 3], met up with Chris for lunch at Ted's (my new go-to restaurant) [doctored picture 4], went back to work [picture 5], had Ricky explain to me really fancy SQL stuff [picture 6], went home, fed the dogs [picture 7], played a game of Playstation football that I quit after halftime since I was losing 28-0 [picture 8], worked on my personal stuff, put my last set of eye drops in for the day [picture 9], played with the dogs [picture 10], threw away a bunch of crap [picture 11] and went to bed [picture 12]. The bonus picture would have been of a small, bright green lizard who was clinging to the brick outside my window.
I've been in a purging mode recently but I'm quickly running out of things to get rid off. I think the next few things are bigger ones--the fishtanks that I don't care of, the lotus lamp I got from Angela Oh, and maybe the drawing table I asked (and received) for Christmas about four years ago. I hate to get rid of it but I can't tell you the last time I used it for something other than holding dozens of empty Starbucks cups. I really need to go through my clothes, specifically my pants. I apparently have gained some weight and need to get rid of the jeans that no longer fit. Sure, I could lose some weight around the ol' belly but it's much easier just to throw out the pants that don't fit. That's me, the model of efficiency.
Mike (Unknown)
SC (Unknown)
P-Chris (Unknown)
T-Chris (Unknown)
K-Chris (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)