Going Green | 11/18/07
First of all, I'd like to say I walked to work today. It's about 1.5m and that's right, I walked it. It took about 15 minutes and while I wouldn't say it felt good, it wasn't as painful as I was anticipating either. In other news, the Taurus won't start (again).
With only two weeks left in College Pick 'Em, we've all moved into safe mode. Elena picked up a point on me as everyone who picked Hawaii for a lot got the Lucky Break of The Week. Except for Jamie, the "leaders" all put between -1 (Nevada) and 4 on Hawaii and we were almost right. Alas. The next two weeks are going to be hard because the Utah States and Notre Dames aren't going to be playing the LSUs and West Virginias. Just taking a glance at next week's picks, they're all pretty tough except for maybe FSU at Florida. Sorry Noles, I need a win.
On Saturday, with Chris at Baltimore to cuddle with Marty, Tim and Ricky came over for NCAA Football and...vacuuming. Ricky just got one of those Animal Death Dysons and I wanted to see it in action against the Death Valley of Vacuums. My last vacuum quite literally was smoking as it choked on the volume of dog fur. I'll cut to the chase right now: get a Dyson if you don't have one. Yes, the cannister had to be emptied after cleaning two stairs. But, and believe me I tried to find some, there was no dog fur anywhere that vacuum passed. Yes, it took three passes and a dozen emptyings but my stairs were sans fur when it was done. I'll tell you this, that's what Chompy is getting me for Christmas.
P-Chris (Unknown)
P-Chris (Unknown)
Jamie (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)