Silence of the Lambs | 12/17/03

Man. Doing nothing feels nice. Real nice! I think I woke up around 11am. I don't really remember because I did so much today that I can't be bothered with such petty details. I spent most of my afternoon playing SimCity 4. I last played it a few days this summer when I got bored of watching Oz episodes. Not that I ever really got bored watching the episodes, but since I was watching six or seven episodes a day, I had to curtail it a bit with SimCity or else I would have watched all fives seasons in a week. I took Chris to the airport at 4pm and believe it or not, I was not pulled over this time. (The last time I took him to the airport [at like, 5:30am] I got pulled over for not pulling over. The police officer behind me was obviously trying to get somewhere and put his lights on. Since I am such an anal driver, I knew I was not speeding. We were on a bridge, though, and there was no place for me to pull over. After a couple seconds he got on his loudspeaker and demanded I pull over. There was nowhere to pull over, though. Once we got off the bridge, I pulled into the ditch and he zoomed past me. A couple minutes later, when I made it up to where he was going, he waved me down. With Chompy growling at him from the backseat, he said something like this: "Red lights, blue lights, green lights, yellow lights, purple lights, orange lights, pink lights, fuchsia lights, cyan lights, burnt sienna lights, algae green lights, brown lights, garnet lights, mauve lights, it doesn't matter. You need to pull over as soon as you see them. Now, I'm not going to cite you for anything this time but the next time you see red lights, blue lights, green lights, yellow lights, purple lights, orange lights, pink lights, fuchsia lights, cyan lights, burnt sienna lights, algae green lights, brown lights, garnet lights, mauve lights, etc. you'd better pull over." He didn't have a good reason for me to drive off the bridge, though.) With Chris safely at the airport and awaiting his trip back to NY, I cruised home to take a shower before going over to Jamie's parents' house to eat brisket. I didn't know what brisket was, so I figured I'd eat a ton of chocolate chip cookies to ensure I wouldn't be hungry, so I'd have an out to refuse the gruel. What I didn't know, obviously, was that brisket was nothing short of amazingly delicious. It's just meat! Like a pot roast! And, with some mashed potatoes, the crap in my stomach quickly subsided and I ate probably double what I should have. After dinner, we exchanged our presents, with me receiving some fancy BBQ sauce and a Cubs book, chronically their epic loss in the playoffs. There are lots of great pictures, though and I'm sure that if anyone can empathize with crappy baseball teams, it's Reds fans. I reciprocated with an Emeril sauce pan and some of his Bam! Tomato Sauce. I know it wasn't the greatest thing in the world but I'm not the best present buyer in the world. My cough has almost completely gone away. Another fish died and we flushed him. Tonight we watched the prequel to Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon. It was pretty good but not as good as Silence. Edward Norton is a great actor and I'm glad he was able to make it in Hollywood with such a nerdy name. The only disappointing part was some of the predictability and the fact it was a little long, but other than that, it was a pretty good flick. A solid 7/10. Tomorrow I need to get my oil changed and my tires rotated. I'd also like to clean out my car and work on some scores. So, looks like another day full of SimCity 4. Awesome! On a final note, why do all design shows used baskets instead of drawers? If I got some wicker baskets in my domain, I'd be all up in the pissed. Only two more days until I leave for the Chi-town!




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