DC Poker Party #1 | 03/08/08
I finally got around to building my new desk and that only came about because Comcast came out earlier in the day to tell me my "cable was pinched" and to install their services I would need permission to drill a hole throw the brick wall separating my office and bedroom. Because of that delay I wasn't going have internet for a while but I knew I could hijack someone's wireless if I moved my computer to the back room. I went out and bought a wireless USB adapter for the desktop, built the desk and viola! My signal is pretty bad so I can't really do much other than check my email and (now) update my blog.
Around 5:30 I headed out to Sterling for Brian's poker party. The game wasn't until 7pm but I figured I'd get lost enough to push the 45 minute trip into an a 90 minute one. Sure enough! Even though I only got "lost" once (I knowingly missed a turn onto the parkway) having to go through Georgetown on a Saturday night was a big mistake. I arrived at 7:05 and managed to be the 3rd one there (after Chris and Kathy). By 7:45 everyone else had arrived and we started playing. I was out relatively soon after a swarm of 3/8's plagued me. Chris won and, from what I can tell by having so much time to watch, probably plays the most savvy poker. I didn't really see him suck out much (except to put me out of the game) so I have no choice but to assume he's the man to beat. As a consolation prize Brian got me a map of DC from CostCo which I promptly used on my way home after forgetting which way Dulles was despite a half-dozen signs that say "DULLES THIS WAY ->". I made it home in 30 minutes because I decided to take the longer (but not through Georgetown) way back. Look at me--I'm a regular now.
KBS (Unknown)