Babies Everywhere | 09/09/08
Yesterday I met up with Kathy for lunch and, after gossiping for a while, we got to business discussing just how cute babies dressed in onesies-for-your-team are. The consensus? TOO CUTE!!! Like Chompy In A Pool, the cuteness levels are right at 100%. There was some other subject that we thought a good blog topic but it escapes me right now.
If you're going to FSU game with me, I ordered the tickets. I'm excited Tim is coming to town for it. I'm also excited to kick his ass in NCAA Football 2009. Chris' too. I promised Tim I wouldn't play more than three games by myself but last night I burned two as WVU. Playing at #1 Georgia on Heisman, we went to triple overtime and PC-Pat White got hurt on the first play (after accruing 300 rushing yards). Fortunately the backup scored one last time and after laying down an All-User Sack on 4th and Goal I won it. BAM. Bring it on, boys!
SC (Unknown)
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Mike (Unknown)
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