Like You Don't Even Know | 03/11/09
My house is going to be clean like you don't even know for the many Fests this month. I have about four laundry loads left and some dog-washing and vacuuming left to do but on the whole I'm in pretty good shape for Chris' arrival Friday evening.
I've got a good 12 of 12 in the works since I have a lot to do. I already missed my 10am meeting at Wachovia but whatever, it's my money and I call the shots. That's what you get for paying me like .000004% interest. I still need to pick up Abby from Jamie's before I do another load of laundry and then drive out to Reston. is almost up to 100 fans on Facebook so if you're not already a fan, it would be nice of you to become one as a personal favor to me. It's rare that I mention anything work related so you should feel honored to be a part of today's entry.
There was big news on the FriendFront last night but I'm not sure if it has been disseminated fully enough for a mention. You know who you are, you just let me know.
Evil Mike (Unknown)
Elena (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)