Side Income | 02/19/04
Ah, there are few things like being reminded you were a huge nerd in high school. Thanks Mark. Thank you so much. Here's a little "Then vs Now" picture. I have to say that I'm pretty pleased and feel fortunate that I was able to reshape myself into the me we all now know and love.
Today was another dreary Thursday. Teaching: fine. Class: fine. Mas rehearsal: fine. Small group rehearsal: fine. I sent an email to the Rock and Hall of Fame with my resume and cover letter attached. Except for the fact they weren't attached. It makes up for the fact that the person that replied to me didn't remember to reply and just hit send. Now that's my kind of workplace. I agreed to do some notation stuff for a DM Piano student for her dissertation. Sure, it'll occupy my weekend, but it's a much need $100. With Brian gone, people now pay *me* to do Finale things. Isn't that frightening? I made some wicked awesome chicken noodle soup for dinner after rehearsal. Speaking of wicked awesome, why do people talk like that in real life? And why do they sign up for my classes? Just curious.