Busy as a Bee(dog) | 03/25/09
March is almost over and what will have been the most interesting month of my living in DC will come to an end. Other than the regularly-scheduled banalities, the only "exciting" thing on my list is a charity poker game on Saturday at the Austin Grill in Rockville. If anyone else would like to play let me know and I'll pass along the info. It's for breast cancer research so the buy-in is $70. I've spent $70 on worse things.
April is a far more boring month, with a whopping two dates on my calendar having dots for things to do--and they're not even things to do, just birthdays.
Since Lost sucks now, I actively went out last night instead of sitting home and watching it. I'll watch it today so that I can understand what's going on with the emails from everyone. I met up with Annie for some beers and hear about her and Marc's trip to London. It was like Lost but interesting and without the skips in time.
To make up for today's boring entry, here's a feel-good video. Down 31-3 in the 4th quarter, FSU comes back.
T-Chris (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)