Easter 12 of 12 | 04/12/09
12:00pm: I forgot it was 12 of 12 or else I would have taken a picture of when I woke up...which was like 11am. Oops. Now you'll have to settle for another Breakfast of Champions picture.
12:30pm: Picking out a nice cake to bring to Briecca's for Easter.
1:00pm: Rifling through the second season of Weeds. I wrongfully assumed every season would be on Neflix Instant or I would have rationed a little bit better.
2:30pm: Chompy being rudely disturbed from her mid-afternoon nap.
2:45pm: On my out to Sterling I'm reminded that DC has the best springtime ever. Take that, Springtime Tallahassee.
3:30pm: I forgot to pull off my tape before leaving so I came back in to do it. The piece is coming along nicely.
4:00pm: Here's my backlog of National Geographics that I'd been waiting for three months to get. I guess I can stop calling to complain now.
4:15pm: Looking good. I have the pink shirt on and it only comes out of the closet on Easter.
5:15pm: Brieccooty making deviled eggs. There were no deviled Cadbury Cream Eggs.
7pm: After dinner we walked to CVS through the bowels of Sterling to get Easter candy. All we found was this weird pig balloon, which might have been the weirdest thing I've ever touched. Ok, that's not true but it was still pretty weird.
10pm: Feeling the pangs of anxiety as closer Kevin Gregg warms up. MARMOL was already out of the game at this point. Gregg only gave up one run in the 9th and for him that's really good.
11:00pm: Chompy patiently waiting to go out while the Cubs game ends.
BONUS: Brian playing with Booty. We noticed that we've spent our last three 12 of 12s together.
KBS (Unknown)