Bars of Georgetown | 04/17/09
Last night Marc and I set off on our first tour of the bars of Georgetown and in four hours we knocked off Chadwick's, The Guards, J. Paul's, and The Tombs. Because it had been so nice all day I just wore a t-shirt but by the late evening it was extremely cold and I regretted that decision.
Chadwick's was down on K Street and filled with the regular Georgetown nightlife people. It looked like they had a nice restaurant but we obviously were not there to eat. People seemed to enjoy their brunch.
The Guards was on M and kind of like a less trashy Old Glory. The basement was like a frat party and had more exciting than the first level, which was playing non-radio Led Zeppelin songs. Any bar that proudly plays No Quarter is a keeper in my book.
J Paul's was probably the nicest and it was quiet enough you could talk easily. This is probably the one I'd be most inclined to return to.
We got to The Tombs right before close and it's a total college bar. It wasn't as dark or creepy as I was expecting and they probably had the best beer.
Because of our good planning we parked right by The Tombs however we got a little lost walking back and went blocks and blocks out of way before we found the car right next to the bar. I should hire someone to follow me around with GPS.
Marc (Unknown)