Busy Thirsty Thursday | 04/23/09

I don't have what you might consider a "busy" life. My days are full but they don't really require me leaving a 400 foot radius of my bed except to get coffee or food. Yesterday, however, was actually full of activity--even for a normal person who doesn't work at home.

Working backwards, Becky and I had Thirsty Thursday in Shir/Arlington at Hard Times and Something Grill. It was an early night and even after dropping her off I was home around 10pm.

Before that I went to visit Kathy in Centerville and pick up some stuff. I made it in 45 minutes, which is unprecedented. I saw where Baby is going to live and his/her onsie that says "I'm As Cute As A Garnet and Gold Bug". Unfortunately that didn't help me figure out if Baby was going to be a Dude or a Chick.

Before that I was on the phone with several people, lastly being Steve as we discussed New Zealand. He offered this gem of a quote: "You don't understand--it's not the same as Dad being wrong, or you being wrong. I have a degree from the University of Chicago. Whenever I'm wrong the world makes a little less sense." Winner!

Ok, maybe my day wasn't that exciting but with a series of events this coming weekend it should be a story-filled next few days.


SC (Unknown)

Great. Could you have painted much more of a lopsided image of me being an arrogant ass?

T-Chris (Unknown)

Steve, that was an AWESOME quote! A winner, indeed.



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