Thirsty Thursday | 05/14/09
For Thirsty Thursday Becky came to pick me up and we set off to Mad Hatter. It was night filled with weird girls, namely Gropey and Wet Girl. Remember in the 1980s when the "wet look" was in? Yeah, Wet Girl is bringing it back. Gropey was pretty explicit in what she wanted done and even stalked me outside in a weak attempt to escape. Bucking Gore Vidal's advice to "never miss a chance to have sex or appear on television" we called it a night around 1:30am. Ah, that's how it's done (or not done depending on how you look at it). Becky and I can hang. Period.
I had the interior of my car cleaned and it might have been the best $200 I've ever spent. Not only was it completely dog fur free, but they found an extra car key and, most disgustingly, they fixed my steering wheel. See, I thought my steering wheel was deteriorating from spending seven years fighting the Florida sun. Oh no, that was not the case. I'd brought my car in for a cleaning yearly but, like me, the other cleaners had assumed the wheel was just falling apart and didn't touch it. These guys though, despite originally thinking the same thing, eventually learned it wasn't the wheel itself that was ripping apart, it was the half-inch of...grime(?) that had built up on the wheel. Driving home I couldn't believe how skinny my steering wheel was. Gross.
Becky (Unknown)