Survivorman | 11/18/09
Maybe it's just living in the deep northeast but my three-month OCD compulsion has been outdoorsiness. Until Ricky ruined it for me, I enjoyed Man vs. Wild but once I saw a couple YouTube videos of the star filming the show just feet away from a parking lot it kind of lost its appeal. I "upgraded" then to Survivorman where a dude gets dropped off somewhere and has to live there for a week and do all his own filming. I like two aspects to the show: he complains a lot about having to haul 50lb of camera gear everywhere. I like it because I would complain about the same thing. I also like that since he's filming himself there's no choice but to capture the stark realities of being out there alone and going a little bit crazy. He doesn't take any risks but just keeps on keeping on. I think I could do that for a week. Maybe.
KBS (Unknown)
Annie (Unknown)