Skippy | 09/25/06
I skipped lunch to go to karate but I ended up ditching. The Monday and Wednesday classes are really hard on my old bones and I decided I would rather do some laundry and clean the clothes that cover my old bones than collect some new rugburns. Because I skipped karate my day was even more boring than usual so I had to find a really good picture. I'm not sure how this puppy got stuck sliding down some bamboo (bit slivers!) but I decided it was cute enough to merit its placement.
Game 8: #3 FSU vs. Maryland
I think people are losing interest in my football stories so I'll cut to the chase. Real FSU won 35-27. Video FSU won 49-3. I did receive
some bad news though in the win. Video Antonio Cromartie is out for the season with a broken leg. Ouch.5-2-1
Game 9: #2 FSU vs #6 NC State
Somehow Real FSU lost this game 20-15 and NC State sure as hell was not #6 in the country. Video FSU blew them away 42-28. Who knew that not having Video Antonio Cromartie would cause such big problems. I also lost some DE for the season for "Undiscloesd Off-Site Infractions"
so I would have to imagine something like rape. I had the option of sitting him for a quarter or benching him for the season so I benched him for the season just for you honey.6-2-1
Game 10: #1 FSU at Clemson
I stuck it to Video Clemson for beating Real FSU this year. AND for winning 35-14 last year. My defense consists soley of Video Ernie Sims and Video AJ Nicholson. If they're not on the play the other team is running some huge play. I also discovered how to play Video Lorenzo Booker when I need to lose yards on the run. Anyway, another blowout of lowly Clemson: 49-13. 7-2-1
Game 11: #1 FSU at #9 Florida
I don't mean to be whatever but why is my schedule is difficult? It seems like every game is against a ranked team. I admit that I did
not finish this game. There was 1:30 left in the 4th quarter and I turned it off. I ALMOST replayed it and covered it up on here but
that's not very nice. On the first play of the game Video Florida sacked Video Wyatt, broke his wrist, intercepted his pass and ran it
back for a touchdown. Uh oh. Enter Video Xavier Lee. At halftime the score 13-10 UF. On the first place of the second half Video Chris Leak was sacked by Video Buster Davis who somehow bruised his hip or something and had to miss the rest of the game. On my first possession Video Leon Washington, the NCAA recordholder for most TDs in a season, pulled a hamstring and would be out for two weeks. With my offense in the hands of Video Xavier Lee and Video Lorenzo Booker (or as I call it the Can't Run, Can't Pass Offense) #1 Video FSU lost to Video UF 29-16. There goes the perfect season. I did better than Jeff Bowden though since he only scored 7 point in Real UF's 34-7 win. So I got that going for me, which is nice.8-2-1.