Highlights and Lowlights: First Grade | 04/07/04
Despite going to bed between 4:00am and 4:30am last night I woke up on time to supplement Alex's presentation in Atonal. I think he did a really nice job, especially when answering other peoples' questions. Due to time constraints I didn't get to go through all of my pictures and I'm sure I will be punished for that but I tried to leave some time for Adam's supplemental performance, which consisted solely of reading a really long, semi-related quote. This afternoon Jamie and I went to Olive Garden for lunch and had a certifiably insane waiter, Jameson. This guy was...man, words can't describe him. He couldn't even put together a sentence that made sense. Anyway, Jamie didn't have time to bring me home after lunch so she dropped me off at the mall and I came home with a few new shirts. This evening Chris and I hung out with some Dominos Pizza. After he left I started to prepare for my lecture in Caribbean Class. I also have been toying around with this image in Photoshop for a semi-secret project but since I'm forced to only use black and white, I can't really make very clean looking curves. I found a dead fish (left column, middle picture) today--one of the unnamed male auras. I really should scoop him before they eat any more of him.
First Grade
Highlight: I had a really great teacher in first grade and she didn't care if my handwriting was sloppy. She recognized my genius. Anyway, the highlight is hands-down being in love with Tara Steinhelper. We were so in love that we held hands and I got to put my hands on her chest because I saw some guy doing that on Channel 44, the Spanish channel (where anything goes.) We never actually kissed because we thought it was gross but she got me a really nice present for my birthday, which was held at the local bowling alley. I can't remember what it was but it might have been my Knight Rider belt. Well, anyway, by first grade I had decided to revert back to being a heterosexual (Scott Hosford never let me touch his chest).
Lowlight: Hmm, I have a couple to choose from...well, Tara once purposefully tripped me in class and I cut my face open and she had to go to the principal's office. Tara later became one of the most popular kids and after 5th grade she never said a word to me. The other lowlight was me informing Tim Pfleeger that 'zillion' was not really a number. He turned a bunch of kids against me because they all thought it was a real number. We finally asked our teacher and she agreed with me. They called me a bunch of names and wouldn't let me sit with any of them on the bus in the mornings. By 4th grade Tim and I were really close friends but that didn't matter at the time. They were just jealous that I had Tara all to myself.