Highlights and Lowlights: Third Grade | 04/09/04
What a day! As you can see, the old location of my journal is no longer working properly. I'm not sure what the problem is. I can log in to my personal account just fine from home but not the cma one. BUT I can login with the same username/password at school to cma although I get a password error here. Weird. The Cubs are hoping to finish off the Braves in the bottom of the 15th right now. What a great game! Jamie and I made some burgers to watch the game about five hours ago. I bought some of Paul Newman's pink lemonade from Publix and my god Chompy, it is insanely delicious. I added the "I"'s to my comprehensive list of collegiate steel bands adding Idaho State and Indiana State. I was considering Indiana State for undergrad but obviously didn't go there. I really have nothing interesting to say so here are my stories.
Third Grade
Highlight: Honestly, I can remember nothing positive about 3rd grade. Loretta Brace was the worst teacher I ever had and made me feel terrible every day. That being the case, here's a funny story. There was a kid in our class named Kurt Bonnet. He and I occasionally traded baseball cards until he left his out in the rain. This was unfortunate because he always made really stupid trades. Anyway, his parents were pretty big and his mom was always saying weird things. Well, Kurt told me one day his mom said that if you didn't #2 for a long time it would come out your mouth. My mom denied this as being true so he said he'd prove it. I can't remember exactly how many days he went but it was at least three (or so he said). The next day at school he coughed up some brown chunks all over his Journey's reading textbook before he blew chunks all over the place. Ever since then, I've been sure to use the bathroom regularly.
Lowlight: Man, there are so many to choose from. Almost all of them involve my being a slob. Mrs. Brace would dump my desk out onto the floor in an attempt to teach me lessons about keeping it neat. She did this more than once and although I cried about it when I got home I think I did a pretty good job of sucking it up in class. She tried to make an agreement with me that if I could keep it clean for a week she'd bring me a cup of coffee. I kept my part of the bargain but no coffee. I naturally let me desk go to pot again and she dumped it out again. Before Parent/Teacher meeting week, just to embarrass me in front of my parents, she gave me a second desk. The week before the meeting she handed out a TON of papers so by that day, both desks were completely full of crap. My parents came home that night and threatened to send me to military school unless I got organized. They bought me a bunch of colored folders that I didn't use. Mrs. Brace insisted that I would work in a gas station for the rest of my life with my organizational skills and made sure to mention this in front of the class numerous times. Well, well, well, Loretta. I'm still a slob. A HUGE slob. Hmm, in my defense it appears that neither of my masters degrees are in Gasoline Service. Now get me a coffee!