Steel Band Website | 09/01/04
As far as I'm concerned fall starts today. That means a new banner and a new color scheme for the month. Fall has always been my favorite season, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, living in Florida, the only difference between Fall and Summer is that a) the temperature drops into the 80s and hurricanes come more frequently. Apparently Hurricane Frances is on the way. I saw a couple different variations and of the possible 30 courses hurricanes have taken in the past with similar characteristics, only five of them have veered into Tallahassee. And of those, none of them have had hurricane strength winds. Oh well, maybe next time. Hopefully it won't hit Miami hard enough to stop the first FSU game of the season versus the hated University of Miami. Yeah, go back to Cuba. (Jamie and I heard that plenty last year when they came up here to play.) The good news for us is that they lost 12 players from last year and seven made it into the NFL. Hopefully this will translate into them sucking this year. The game is on Monday night at 8pm and, as far as I know, is going to be televised nationally on ABC. As long as it doesn't come down to a field goal kick.
I spent today working on the steel band site and applying for new jobs. I did receive good news, at 6:30 this evening that I would have a job starting tomorrow at the Department of Justice sorting mail. It sucks, yes, but it's $9.20/hr, which is better than what I'm making now sitting around at home. It will last almost the entire month, for better or worse. Chris made Jamie and I some rosemary chicken. Afterwards, Michael came back from rehearsal and we hit up Sonic for milkshakes. You might think I'd be excited about making $350/wk but I'm really not.