Data Entry Help | 10/14/04
Another day, another job. About an hour into my day I was recruited to help with data entry. Why me? They would never pull anyone else off their job to do menial tasks that lazy employees screwed up, so why ask me to do it? I want my job description in writing tomorrow. It's not so much that I'd mind doing those things, but if I knew I was there to do assorted crap no one else wanted to do I would have stayed as a temp and waited for another job somewhere else where I could actually be used at or near what I'm capable of doing. Or I could have prepared myself mentally to have a horrific clerical job there. But being told one then and being assigned new things daily is taking its toll of my attitude. I really want to be a good worker and help out where I can but right now I feel like a Stem Cell Employee being asked to do any job that is the day's priority.