Flashback | 10/30/04
Well, looks like it's time for a double update. Let's see...what happened yesterday....
I think I might have made it to work on time, but who knows. I spent most of my day planning an email to my supervisor to ask a number of questions...can I use 8 hours of annual in November? Is there a way to get more before Christmas? And, most importantly, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING HERE. While I like having the freedom to jump between jobs, I certainly do not like having to proactive about finding things to do because, well, if given an option, who really wants to do work they might be able to let someone else do? Ok, Brian, but other than Brian? Not me, that's for sure. I followed the norm of the office and wore jeans and nice shirt but was later informed that's a no-good for the future. With no clean pants and it being the poorest time of the month, it was going to be jeans even if it wasn't a Friday. Yesterday marked my one UC anniversary at the JAC. Rather than measuring my time in months or years, I've elected to measure in terms of urinal cakes in my favorite stall. On Friday the old one was finally pee'd into nothing, officially declaring my first section of work was done. I'm almost done with my work site...the only problem is that I still have no content and had to settle for filling the pages with tidbits of my personal life so it looks like something is there if (glord forbid) someone looks at it. I'm proud of all the images I made. I think it represents the circuit well. After work I thought about working on some scores, then played a game instead before I went over to Ricky' to help protect him against the roommate who he had to kick out (and change the locks on). Nothing happened and the rest of the night was clouded by my desire to sleep.
Today I did eight loads of laundry and finished a ton of scores. The sad news is that FSU is now out of the National Championship hunt. On a normal day, seeing Miami and Florida lose would bring me great joy but not today. It was a horrible game and we deserved to lose. Adding to hurt was the return of Chris Rix. I agreed that if we he was able to bring is back then I would not say anything bad about him the rest of the season. Even though he sucks and we lost, he didn't do anything really stupid. The problem now for FSU is the QB crap all over again? My beloved Wyatt or the Satan-incarnate Rix? Not that it matters, since we're going to be playing in the Circle K In N' Go' Bowl this year. What really sucks is that Bobby B. destroyed Wyatt's confidence by putting Rix in. Oh well. Time to root for my first alma mater...ish. On Wisconsin! The last time Miami, Florida and FSU lost on the same day was in 1978. That was a good year...most likely the year my parents decided to have me. Have a nice day.