V-Day | 11/11/04
Where have all the good updates been? As I'm sure you've deduced, not here. There have been a couple reasons, the largest being that the new site that will be going up on the blog's one-year anniversary was a much larger project than I had initially anticipated. Sure, I could left all the old pages looking like this, with the hideously bright color scheme, but if I'm going to do something, I might as well do it right. Some of the new perks of the page are: easier on the eyes, much easier to navigate and more pictures of Chompy. I mean, who wouldn't want more pictures of Dr. Chomp? All the archived entries are going to have "highlighted" selections, so there should be quicker browsing. AND regardless of your monitor resolutions, everything should fit without tables overlapping or having pictures on top of pictures. While I wanted to do it without an editor, I gave in and used it for some of the absolute positioning draggings. C'mon, you can't blame me for that.
For V-Day, we went over to Bob's for a BBQ session. Even though we only knew a handful of people, it was a nice change of pace and Bob did an excellent job on the grill. The cheesecake went over really well despite my incident with the chocolate. After the BBQ I took a nap and woke up right before the FSU/NC State game. It was a terrible game for both offenses but my boy Wyatt pulled it out in the end. Well, the end being the 3rd quarter. It was sad to see that our total offense after the first quarter was two yards and that the second quarter was almost over before we had more yards-gained than plays-executed. Bobby Bowden decided to spare NC State the humiliation of a last-second TD and we just downed the ball for the last minute and a half. That didn't stop NC State from trying to jump across quickly and pound our guys before the ball was downed. That's not cool, we were trying to spare them some embarassment but they just went ahead and looked like terrible sports on national TV. Good job, morons. Not that I'm surprised--if they had any brains they would have gone to NC in the first place.