Nassau | 12/03/04
It could be worse--you could be living in the Ukraine protesting next to this woman. This is one of the scariest pictures I've ever seen and there it was right on the Drudge Report's main page. They had it all reduced so you couldn't really see the scariness of it. But still, it's scary.
On Day 3 of the Caribbean vacation, we spent the day in the capital city of Nassau. We took a cab ride with a million other passengers up to the island's main business--Atlantis, the huge hotel/casino. We paid to see the aquarium as well as "the dig". The aquarium was pretty cool. It's the world's largest natural habitat aquarium and they had tons of rays, sharks and crazy fish. Afterwards we saw "the dig", this exhibit of the ancient Atlantians. It was all artists' renderings and was pretty horrible. It was really tacky and I can't believe the millions of dollars they spent making this stupid tunnel look like people had lived there. God, it was lame.
After that Jamie hit the casino and won $20 on the slots. We had lunch there next to a disgruntled Hungarian man who had lost a lot of money. On the ride back I sat next to this woman who was with her seven kids. They were hopelessly rich and she had a diamond on her finger the size of Chompy with the matching Rolex. She had already blown her $500/day blackjack fund so now they were going under some bridge to get some conch soup. At dinner all the waiters had to dance. I'm sure it was very demeaning and I wish they wouldn't make them do that. Oh well. At least they're out of the Ukraine.