FSU Foundation | 09/22/05

Woo--oooh. It's the Carolina Triangle of Death and Destruction. With Brian coming to Tallahassee and Jamie and P-Chris going to Gainesville the Caroline Triangle of Death and Destruction becomes very easy to see. For Brian's trip we tried to find a bunch local ma and pa Applebee's and Chili's so Brian could get some southern cooking. He comes around 8pm and Jamie leaves at 4pm so sadly they're not going to meet. Even though Brian won't be able to update I'll fill you in on what we're doing. Much like the last time Jamie went out of town I plan to score some roofies and then find some co-eds.

On Saturday we have a gig for the FSU Foundation. Gigs are good but I also remember why I hate having anything to do with their organization. After the gig we're playing some serious poker and doing some serious drinking. Kelly and her boyfriend are coming. Kelly hasn't played since Steve was here on Spring Break but she's been playing lot online and that makes me nervous. I need to call my old neighbors Kent and Sarah since N-Brian will be in North Carolina and someone has to represent the neighborhood. God, this update sucked.




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