Moving | 02/10/08
Over the weekend I spent most of my time taking care of moving preparations. I got a plane ticket for Steve, who was hastily recruited to lug stuff, rented a truck for the first week of March, and bought a bunch of containers. More importantly though, I started ridding myself of the crap that accumulates anytime you live somewhere more than a year. I sent a good dozen bags of trash out and filled another six slated for donation at RH. I worked on a bunch of other miscellaneous projects that were not moving related but really only one of them done. I'm very happy to be leaving Tallahassee and getting on with my life but to say I was a little nervous about moving would be a lie. When you move for school or a job you know that you're going to settle into a new routine and make new friends and all that fun stuff. Since I plan to work from home and only know a handful of people there I'm not sure how quickly this new routine is going to come. For each ounce of anxiety there's an equal part of excitement and that in and of itself is exciting. Three weeks from today I'll be there and I'll let you know how it all works out.
Mike (Unknown)
SC (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
sunshine (Unknown)