U2 SUCKS | 11/16/05
tchris, I'm sorry but Bono is awful. Let me tell you why I hate U2. It's not that I think they suck (although I do). It's that they're considered Gods of Rock. But they don't rock. Frankly, they're not talented enough to rock. They're like the Beatles (great songwriting, limited instrumental skills) without the great songwriting. The Edge is laughable. To be a God of Rock you have to rip it. Jimmy Page rips it. Eric Clapton rips it. Hendrix rips it. They are Gods of Rock. They make you say, "Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints". To give them an ounce of credit, they don't sound like anyone else. But they're not Rock. There is no blues influence; at all. The bass lines are stagnant at best and I'm sorry but adding a 9th to a chord is far from Rock Godliness.
I used to hate Weezer. But as I listened to them more I realized that they were innovating a stale sound. And over time I learned to appreciate them within their style. They never would be considered Gods of Rock but they're cool being the Gods of Emo. And that's fine. If U2 didn't consider themselves Rock I'd hate them a whole helluva lot less. Bono also smells like urine. Because he drinks it. With sunglasses on.
suki (12/04/11)
Hank (03/29/12)
musiciskool (01/27/12)
musiciskool (01/27/12)
unkown (02/12/12)
average joe (02/18/12)
tim (Unknown)
Billie Joe (Unknown)
Conrad (Unknown)
Conrad (Unknown)
aaron (Unknown)
Enatai (Unknown)
The problem is mostly with Bono, though. The King of Egotism himself, I hope that Bono one day goes to Africa and gets a horrible, crippling disease, because that's what he deserves for acting like he's the only one who gives to charities. He isn't special he's just an activist, I can name ten right off the bat, all of them friends of mine, none of them famous, and I bet that each and every one of them is more activist than Bono. In fact I PROMISE you that each of them is more activist than Bono.
Bono's a prick.
Mike (Unknown)
M1ke (Unknown)
BTw, i dont care bout bono, i care bout their music. Oh, and i ve wasted time of my life to teach you guys something, so show respect.
Rockerdude (Unknown)
Mikeb (Unknown)
Khan (Unknown)
U2 isnt a good rock band.
But what upset me more is his stupid claim: if you want god of heavy metal, its slipknot.
SLIPKNOT IS NOT HEAVY METAL!!!! or even similar, it has nothing to do.
and U2 are just a bunch of christian faggs who sell $$$$$$$$$
tim (Unknown)
guess you never made a mistake typing something.Noise..I know how to spell.Ass wipe.As for you playing anything close to the edge you make me laugh.You never will.Just shows how ignorant you are about the guitar.Its not just the notes or chords that edge is playing,its how he plays them.You are a nobody and always will be.Edge is the king of all guitar.Jerk
TIM (Unknown)
tim (Unknown)
your point is well taken.Never said they were the best rock bank.My point,like millions of other is they make beautiful music.If I want to listen to rock i will listen to RUSH>.But I appreciate you stance..On U2
TIM (Unknown)
keep taking guitar lessons and let me know when you can play one note that is even close to the edge..Maybe one day you can tweek a few notes that dont sound terrible.You make me laugh.go back to your trailer and Edge will go back to his castle..Ha ha
Mark (Unknown)
Sean (Unknown)
u2 and greenday luver (Unknown)
U2 = 0 (Unknown)
"Bono Vox" and "The Edge"? Gimme a break!
william (Unknown)
Ever hear of RUSH? Niel peart, alone is better than the entire band U2, and U2 isn't one tiny bit of a real inspiration for music.
The vocals are so fucking horrible from UR's lead singer that anyone who likes u2 obviously needs to be cock slapped or monkey stomped to death if they saythat they like them just, because their opinions is so fucking stupid, and ignorant.
I saw someone showing just how much u2 sucks, and to show it he was just plucking stings to the rythem of a u2 song while using a special amp.
Guess what happened?
He was playing the song perfectly without any idea of how to play it.
U2 is absolutely fucking garbage compared to the real legends, and their fame is 100% product of million dollar producing.
If anyone here wants to get me some money to fix my guitar then pay for a few lessons then I'll make some songs easily much better than u2s faggit shit.
william=cheap bitch (Unknown)
1-U2 rocks
2-SlipKnot sucks
3-learn how to spell
4-Close your mouths. It's startting to smell like sewer.
Thank you
ArgyBargy (Unknown)
zepstones (Unknown)
Smeggingsmegger (Unknown)
simon true (Unknown)
DJS (Unknown)
maynard (Unknown)
if u2 are gods of rock then souljah boy is god of rap, and slipknot are gods of smooth jazz
al (Unknown)
Gudass (Unknown)
Gudass (Unknown)
RickS (Unknown)
DARKSUNX (Unknown)
RickS (Unknown)
pqmomba8 (Unknown)
soonerkid (Unknown)
Rafael (Unknown)
YouToo (Unknown)
Now I know some WWE-watching, stereotype-loving, warcraft playing idiot is going to flip me off... but I'm gonna let him. As long as it's his opinion. Bless
Pablo (Unknown)
Friend (Unknown)
DonStella (Unknown)
Robin (Unknown)
Robin (Unknown)
Personally I love the man's work.
It's just without a 8ft Pedal Board what can Edge do? Seriously, I mean as I've said U2 fill stadiums and lots of people like them, That's fine! But On a non Biased standpoint just looking at his Skill, take away the pedal and it sounds like crap. Seriously anyone who knows anything about guitar will tell you the sounds not from his technique all he does is play a straight forward riff and chords with some Palm muting and then the PEDALS DO THE WORK!!!
John (Unknown)
Now he's bitching about how file sharers are criminals and that they should be "closely" monitored by the government. He's top of my hate list now...U2 had great songs and all, but Bono keeps pushing his turd attitude a bit too far.
thomas (Unknown)
Matthijs (Unknown)
Liam (Unknown)
Luke Madigan (Unknown)
patrick (Unknown)
Tim (Unknown)
Ben (Unknown)
EdZeppeling (Unknown)
EdZeppeling (Unknown)
magnum (Unknown)
P.S Don't judge me because of my english, i'm 18 years old and english is not my native language
JayGo (Unknown)
There is nothing that U2 is doing to negatively impact the world. Music brings people together. I'm a fan of U2... yes. I'm also a fan of Green Day, AFI, Coldplay, Feeder, The Bravery, Arcade Fire, Bruce Springstein, Dave Matthews, Matt Good, Pearl Jam, Alexis on Fire, The Temper Trap, Kings of Leon, Incubus... the list goes on and on.
Yes, I play in a band(drummer). Yes I know how to play guitar, piano and bass. No, I don't think that The Edge's style in music is patheticly easy. Yes, I donate to charity and no I will not reveal much about myself on the internet. You people are just so incredibly sad. Quit being green with envy and do something with your lives.
me (Unknown)
Dude (Unknown)
HIV (Unknown)
They just seem like a waste of time when I could listen to so much better music; they don't have any redeeming qualities that other bands can't satisfy.
And South Park is right, Bono is just a giant shit.
tom (Unknown)