Tuck's Medicated Pads | 02/13/06
At the end of the month half the office is going up to NYC. That means Liz won't be bringing in her cat Tuxedo (or as I call him: Tuck's Medicated Pads) for a week. Does that mean Chompy can come in while they're gone?
Probably not but still, it might be fun (for me and me alone) to have Chompy at work. Speaking of work, it's my new job to make sure the term personal loan moves into the top 3 results so there's my link. Bam.
- I'm 59% sure somone I know has had an abortion.
- I'm 58% sure somone I know has an alcohol and/or drug problem.
- I'm 57% sure the term "air bladder" will always make me laugh.
- I'm 56% sure I'll never wake up one day and like all the foods that normal people like.
- I'm 55% sure I'll have my brown leather coat for another ten years.
- I'm 54% sure I like caring about what I wear.
- I'm 53% sure at least one of my friends is gay (and doesn't own up to it).
- I'm 52% sure the South will never fully recover from the Civil War.
- I'm 51% sure 90% of my students will remember me in 10 years (tricky).
- I'm 50% sure there's a God.
- I'm 49% sure I'll live past 2060.
- I'm 48% sure I've never been profoundly in love.
- I'm 47% sure I'll never date a Conservative.
- I'm 46% sure I'll go fishing in the next five years.
- I'm 45% sure I'll get in a fist-fight in the next five years (and win, bitches).
- I'm 44% sure I'll play electric guitar at some gig.
- I'm 43% sure someone I know has an STD.
- I'm 42% sure I'll see my friends from undergrad in the next five years.
- I'm 41% sure I'll never be fat and/or hairy.
- I'm 40% sure I trust my landlord enough to actually send the pest control guy every month.