Small Victories | 03/20/06
Today is a day for the celebration of small victories...because you can't find the cure for diseases every day.
Congratulations to jamie who has the #10 overall bracket at FSU with the first two rounds of the NCAA tournament over. Most people used the traditional Who Is The Better Team strategy but Jamie's The Schools I Want To Go To Must Be Better At Basketball has clearly been demonstrated as the best method of picking winners. You see, Jamie would rather go to George Mason than the University of North Carolina so naturally George Mason will crush UNC. I feel bad coercing her into picking UW-Milwaukee since they're not doing so hot. And by saying "not doing so hot" I mean they've been eliminated from the playoffs. Of the 500,000+ brackets chosen at Jamie ranks at around 1,000. Damn girl!
Congratulations to me who finally broke the Top 25 in Alexadex. Out of 15,000+ registered players I finally made it onto the front page of the site after posting a 500,000 increase yesterday. Allegedly the Top 25 qualify for the Hall Of Fame or something but to me that just translates into "Wowwee...a link; I'll take it". I've got to say Thank You to ricky for introducing me to the game. Speaking of Ricky, he finally wrote a blog entry yesterday so you should probably read it; give him some encouragement you know. Anyway, back to Alexadex, the Top 10 is totally out of the question but to keep my position I now have to buy stocks that probably won't go up just to keep other people from buying them. Like I said in an earlier post it's the best ten minutes a day you can spend. I think I've got a good shot at the Top 20 if people stop buying from the same sites I do. >:o
Congratulations to chris whose Linguistics Blog comes up #1 in MSN. With maybe the exception of brian no one updates their blog more regularly than Chris. His site has over 1200 backlinks (to you give you some comparison, this site has nine) and is quickly establishing itself as a forum for Language Goodness on the Web. When the next PR comes out from Google look for Chris at the top of the list because, well, Google loves blogs (or so I hear).
Congratulations to kathy and Fed-Chris who are now engaged. It's old news by now but ladies, if you want a close-up of her ring go look at brian's site since he blew it up nice and big for you. I know that since Kathy is my ex-girlfriend there should be some part of me that feels weird but there's not. There was when I found out Stacie was getting married (many, many moons ago) but the only that I feel is happiness for her and Fed-Chris. They're a cute couple.
Congratulations to Steve who was accepted to the University of Chicago for his MA. After a string of rejections he can shove it in their faces because UC is the best. If you don't mind living in the ghetto, and I know you don't, you too can join him at one of the nation's most prestigious and hip schools. I knew having a 4.0 and a 6/6 on the GRE Writing would eventually pay off (says the C student).
Congratulations to Barbara who is about to get married in Panama AND still continues to bail me out at work with helpful emails. "Bar-bara, I know you're at the altar but I can't find your database for...". Looks like it's the time of the season to be getting hitched. One of the things I learned from my friend Ben in Uruguay is that living in a Latin country is the best and you should do it if you possibly can. So good work Barb, we're all jealous.
Congratulations to michael for getting into Indiana University and cementing a set of schools you can Chris can both go to for grad school. Not that there was ever any doubt about you getting into anywhere but still. And you're graduating soon! Which means you'll be done with your internship soon! Also worthy of congratulations. And thanks for letting us help you move! We're really excited about it...well not so much the packing and lifting of heavy things but the driving. God knows you've done it enough for the rest of us we owe you. Anyway, congratulations!
If you did not find yourself on this list maybe you should reevaluate your life-priorities OR send me an email detailing your small victories (and an appropriate picture).