Much Better | 04/14/06
First things first, remember that on Saturday Night, at the Legion Hall on Lake Ella is a benefit concert for Habitat For Humanity, specifically jamie's Dad's house. It's only $5 to go hear her ex-boyfriend's dad's band (follow that?) play so you should go if just to give them $5. I'll be there so what more could you ask for?
Work was better and the week ended on a much more positive note than I was anticipating. I'm pretty sure the President of our big client doesn't want to eat my soul so I'll write the week off as a victory. I left work about ten minutes early so I could take a quick shower before Jamie went to Cyprus to meet up with Jerry. We were there for a couple of hours and, get this, I tried something new. White truffle potatoes. I gotta say--they were pretty darn good. Afterwards we went back to Jerry's now-finished house and waxed philosophical until about 12:30. Then, friends, it was bedtime. Go to that benefit concert Saturday Night!