Memorial Daze | 05/29/06

What a weekend. On Saturday we had the Led Zeppelin Party. It was well-attended and we had way too much beer. We made it through all the studio albums and it only took about seven hours. That, friends, is a long party. I also saw my first hockey game, the Might Ducks lost to Edmonton. There wasn't a single fight! I was pissed but not as pissed as pchris who ended every sentence with "bitches". On Sunday, jamie, michael and I went to see The DaVinci Code. I thought it was pretty good although I did not read the book. For a three hour movie it went by really quickly and aside from the predictability of it and the fact I didn't really understand why a symbologist was even needed to unlock clues any toddler could see, I was really pleased. If I had been in charge of the cryptic, I wouldn't have made the password APPLE, that's for damn sure. If hundreds of thousands of people had died over the stupid thing I would not have started the password with the letter A. Surely throughout history there would have been a group of people dedicating themselves to going through every combination and apple would have come out in the first year of guessing. Oh well. I guess that makes me an Opus Dei'r. On Sunday we trotted over to tchris' pad to celebrate Memorial Day. We grilled and played on his piano. We stayed for a couple of hours then I went home to clean.

Last night I made the most disgusting dinner ever tasted by human lips. Seriously, it was vile. The recipe was regular chicken noodle soup, something I make pretty darn well. I knew I didn't have any chicken so I looked around for other things to add. I've got it--barley and couscous rice. So far so good but then I decided "Hey, I really like spicy food--maybe I can make a spicy soup". Out came the chili powder and paprika. Bad bad bad bad bad idea. It was horrible and I wouldn't suggest it.




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