R and R | 08/20/06
This weekend I tackled something fun that I'd nonetheless been putting off--buying new fish for my fishtank. I haven't had a fishtank entry in ages so no complaining. Over the past two years all of my fish have died except for two: Bumblebee (of Transformers fame) and Al Capone. There are also six plecos manning the algae including Chris Rix, the oldest fish in my hosue. Anyway, over the years I'd dumped about three dozen or so other fish in with them and they've all been eaten. Not this time. On the advice of the owner the local fish store I bought only two fish, a big red zebra and a reasonably big...blue one with yellow fins. They were $40 but they've survived the weekend. Hopefully the will live for a long and prosperous year before I sell them back to the fish store when I'm ready to move away. Unless it's reddish-brown and attacks bugs and intruders, if it's a pet it's not coming with me.