Welcome | 01/09/07
Let me formally welcome you to the new blog. I have been so busy addressing major life changes recently that I skipped this step in the relaunch. The biggest change, aside from the full-screen layout, is that there's just more...everything. So far it seems the most-liked new feature is the Time Machine--it pulls the entries from one, two, and three years ago into a little blurb. That way you can look for your name before officially remembering good times.
The photos section is growing but already has about 300 pictures including my tropical cruise from this year and 2007 New Years at Chris and Amy's. I am working backwards uploading photos and so far I'm through about August of 2006. The problem is I was never much of a photo taker until I received a digital camera from my mom for Christmas in 2005 so I've got a feeling I won't have to spend too much working on the photo section.
The Guilt Links no longer take years to load AND the cookies that tell the site whether you want them on or off actually remember them now. Same goes for the Ads section on the right. I still need to replace that section with random pictures of Chompy though (assuming you've turned the ads off). Since I built this site entirely by hand I decided to include the same spam-blocking script that I use on all of my sites at work. While the site was being graciously hosted on Brian's domain I would get between 5-20 spam messages a day and that just was not sitting well with me. I realize it's a little inconvenient but that's life. I also finished a very basic GUI for myself to create new entries that includes the one thing that I've always hated about keeping blogs--having to manually upload the image through an FTP program. I sucked it up and wrote an image uploader and I love it.
Still on the to-do list is add an AJAX polling section, which I have about 95% of the way done. Not too shabby. I'm also waiting to get reindexed by Google since I'm stuck in the supplementary results section. I also have to create the on-topic subdomains that the entries will point to--kind of like categories. So yeah, welcome.