Lost! | 02/07/07
Ok, I know EVERYONE watched Lost last night. That episode was so good that it almost made up for the show being away for a fiscal quarter. Jamie and I ordered a pizza and settled in. Awesome! The only problem I had with the episode was this, and I'm hoping someone who has shot a gun before can explain this to me: Once Sawyer and Kate escape they're hauling through the jungle and get to the beach where they're spotted by three Others. Kate is on the walkie-talkie with Jack and one of the Others shoots the W-T out of Kate's hand, causing no damage at all to her; a perfect shot. The three Others then proceed to shoot at least 30 more times and MISS EVERYONE COMPLETELY. Come on! If I had the shooting skills to exact a perfect shot into someone's hand how on earth could I (to say nothing of my two friends) not even come close to hitting two much larger targets. Yes, I know they were running but I also missed several times while they were standing there figuring out what was going on. C'mon.
So what's up with Juliet? Is her sister a man? A pregnant, cancerous man? Did Ben overthrow that doctor to lead the Others? If nothing else that episode made me want to make sure I had a trained anesthesiologist nearby the next time I go into surgery.
Elena (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
BU (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)