Hope Springs Eternal | 02/20/07
Ah, it's that time again. Cubs time. If you're a Cubs fan, you surely understand that, for the very first time ever, there is (pardon my grammar) no way the Cubs could not win the World Series. This year it doesn't matter that Kerry Woods steriods-related injuries will shelve him for the year when he falls of the bullpen bench the second day of the season. It doesn't matter that Mark Prior will have to undergo eighteen surgeries to repair is hip flexor after he trips on his wife's bra the last week of Spring Training. After over $300m in spending there is simply no way the Cubs can lose. Except for Rodney Cedeno, who totally and complete sucks, everyone is now good. Yeah, yeah, Ramirez can't (won't) run and our outfield might only make two catches all year but who cares? They're going to score at least thirty runs a game. Since they're going to be scoring so many runs that means we also won't have to see Ryan "Walk Em In" Dempster very much. I guess Cedeno and Dempster are still around to try to poorly mask this is a totally purchased World Series win. This year, friends, will be ours.
T-Chris (Unknown)
Jamie (Unknown)
Mike (Unknown)
SC (Unknown)
Jamie (Unknown)
Tree (Unknown)