Jesus' Tomb? | 02/26/07
Not being terribly religious, I don't really care one way or another about some movie director finding the tomb of what could be Jesus. Of course all of the scholars came out to say he was a whack-job (which is true because Titanic is one of the six movies I've seen) because that's what scholars do--they discredit things. I think my own personal hell would be me surrounded by experts on everything. You couldn't make a comment without some sort lecture on your misuse of the word "reluctant" or be able to give an opinion on anything. I think that's what Steve wants to be when he finishes school--a discreditor. Anyway, back to Jesus.
Not being a scholar I will have to display by own disbelief without facts. Without facts I can only say, "Why didn't anyone find this tomb sooner?" Aren't there billions of Christians who would like to find it? It's like in pre-school when your teacher says, "Where's Jesus?" and everyone would yell "EVERYWHERE" and then get a lollipop. Now they yell "IN A BOX IN A CAVE". Whatever, I phoned this entry in. Sorry.
SC (Unknown)
Mikey Ray (Unknown)
A Close Friend (Unknown)